Monday, October 31, 2005

Month One - 1st - 31st October 2005

Ok, month one over then and performance is within expected parameters.

Full screenshots of the live account are below - any information that could identify any system parameters have been removed. and there are 3 pictures as it doesnt all fit onto one screen.

Before the summary ill add some text. Even though we had full confidence in the system, the first half of the month was a little hairy to say the least - slight doubts begin to surface when your first few days produce nothing by losers. Its also very easy that when a position is looking to continue in a winning trade to leave it open overnight.

However we stuck to our rules which by the way are totally without discretion and we came out on top.

Ive had one problem with the broker this month who slipped me by one pip whilst they didnt slip my partner - this was rectified on the account as you will see from the statement. Ive also had some refferal money paid into the account which is 2X£50 payments for recommending a friend which has to be taken into the final balance - bloody ell i thought, could make a killing just by doing that all day!!

good thing is that the friend also gets £50 so all is fair :)

Just the results left then - somne may look at these and scoff, fine, scoff away - but remember from little acorns come big oak trees :)

see ya all at the end of November.

Results of the first month, bear in mind our frst target is 17k by end of december.

  • Opening balance:£10,000
  • Closing Balance: £ 12,486

  • P/L: £2,486

  • % Gain on account: 24.8%

  • Lowest account value: £ 8,630

  • Highest account value: £13,326

  • Maximum Drawdown: £1,370 = 13.7%

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