Monday, July 31, 2006

Month 10 July 2006

Gosh, doesnt time fly!- month 10 already.

Mind you, i wish it were month 24!! but i guess you shouldnt wish your life away.

You will most likely find it hard to follow the account this month from the screenshots because I have moved the account from Capital Spreads to my new broker. what i actually did was move the difference between the investment account (the big one) and the income account (the smaller one) so in effect the accounts have changed hands over the brokers.

so you'll find the screenshots are a little weird and you may not be able to track the changes as i took £4500 ish wages at the same time.

Anyway, the month was a good one all the way through really. didnt break any records at all but was kind of 'steady eddie' through the month.

The peak of the account came on the 28th with 2 days to the end of the month and then a couple of wanky days kinda took the shine off it.

Still, just about to plan i think with a high watermark of 65k (combined with holding acc)

I bet there are plenty who are beginning to say to themselves hmmm - those who think its not possible to produce 20% a month on average - well, keep reading cos I've done it for 10 months now.

Anyway, heres the report for Month 10

Monthly Report - July 2005

  • Opening balance:£38,411
  • Closing Balance: £ 50,556
  • Cash in holding account: £10,000
  • Account Valuation total £60,556

  • P/L: £12,090

  • % Gain on account: 24.96%

  • Lowest account value: £ 33,255

  • Highest account value: £50,080

  • Maximum Drawdown: £5,156 = 10.6% peak to valley
Screenshots of both accounts are below to show the transfer from one to the other - note that the new account shows the earlier dates at the bottom and the latest dates at the top. - this is opposite to the previous broker i was using.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Month 9 - Third qtr results June 2006

Here we are then, 9 month and the third quarter.

June did not set any fires burning apart from a new record on days earnings . on 2nd June I made almost £14k in one day. This record does tend to get broken every month or two so i'll keep you updated next month if it breaks again.

Anyway, onto the month. A month of very volatile moves followed by almost no moves at all. The early part of the month were nice trading territory and then we slipped into a period of consolidation which meant tight ranges and a series of loss days.

As usual though the end of the month contract expiries brought us some movement and pulled us back.

The drawdown this month was the worst since inception running at 35.8% but we are now getting used to this.

Some more changes were made to the system this month with the introduction of some dynamic variants. Unfortunately this did little due to market conditions. but it's interesting to look back at the q1 and 2 results and note that by month 6 we had done 127% and q3 alone has managed 116%. several changes in the system took place in this period and obviously they have paid off.

I havent included a report showing the figures since inception but FYI we are at +383%.

The next big report is the yearly one at which time we may adjust the timetable for the million. we are thinking it couldnow be a few months late - maybe Xmas 2007 rather than October giving the account an extra quarter. - time will tell. I guess if we took into account the income account gains then we will hit the million on time, however we are not including this

Unfortunately we are still behind target considerably - the end of the month has happened at a time when we are in a drawdown. Our target for qtr3 was an account high of 58k yet we have reached only 51k so still really about 3 weeks behind schedule.

This months return does not help either being well below par

The report for the month is below as usual along with a quarterley report. note that due to system changes more has been blacked out on the screenshot but I have left the centre visible so you can see no money was added.

Quarterley Report March 31 - June 31

  • Opening balance:£22,510
  • Closing Balance: £ 38,411
  • +Cash in holding account £10,000
  • P/L: £25,901

  • % Gain on account: 116%

  • Lowest account value: £ 22,510

  • Highest account value: £51,069 (inc holding account)

  • Maximum Drawdown: £18,282 = 35.8%

Monthly Report - June 2005

  • Opening balance:£34,461
  • Closing Balance: £ 38,411
  • Cash in holding account: £10,000
  • Account Valuation total £48,411

  • P/L: £3,950

  • % Gain on account: 8.88%

  • Lowest account value: £ 22,787

  • Highest account value: £41,069

  • Maximum Drawdown: £18,282 = 35.8% peak to valley