This month the account truly met the half way stage. We have managed to turn £10,000 into £100,000 - that is a 1000% increase since inception. some going eh? - step two is to take the 100k and get to 1000k - again 1000% - now are you doubters starting to believe?
Of course this is still a gamble, as the forex market always is - all could come crashing down in a matter of days - scary eh, this is what underpants invented for!
This month was nothing special, in fact with the action in the markets I expected a lot more than we did make. Still, we keep making new highs on the account so we are in an uptrend still :)
There have been two major changes in the strategy this month. The first is a fundamental system change should net around another 30% of pips over the year and the second was a money management change to ensure we stay on track to target or even exceed it.
At the moment we are still behind the original targets but are on track for an xmas 2007 Million :) come on Santa!!
It was rather scary actually, the reason for the fundamnental change was that whilst we were doing some routine testing we came upon an anomaly - this anomaly when we looked deeper turned out to be very scary. - we have been very lucky with how weve done grail - the thing we discovered would have blown the account up any day. we were so convinced by what we saw that we made the change immediately.
Still, that's what's good about our team, always testing everything!
Ok, onto the month results for November.
All figures include the £20,000 in the holding account (see previous posts for details)
- Opening balance:.............................£88,328
- Closing Balance: ..............................£ 100,502
- P/L £ .................................................£12174
- % Gain ................................................13.78%
- Lowest account value: ......... ....... ....£ 67,960
- Highest account value: ....................£100,502
- Maximum Drawdown: .....................£20,368 = 23.05% peak to valley
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