Friday, September 30, 2005

Launch Time

Ok, Monday the 3rd of October marks the first day of The Million Pound Grail Experiment.

Below is a screenshot from my capital spreads account - I have five broker accounts in total but from Monday this particular account will be used for this experiment alone.

As you can see the screenshot does mask some information. Obviously the account number but also any information that could compromise the systems integrity. There are only a handful of people that know of this system and its going to stay that way.

So, where I hit the stop level you will find blanks before and after, where i hit a take profit level you will also see blanks and as i publish the account once a month you will only see information that does not threaten the integrity of the system.

You can say what you want but the basic advice is this - if you dont like it or you are reading this to try and work out the system then dont bother looking. this is for my use in charting the progress and nothing more.

You may think that im going to sell this system - that is not going to happen so dont hold your breath - anyway, there are many more systems that make many more pips that this for the active trader, namely Hilda. As i explained in the first post this is an investment strategy rather than a trading system.

So, to business. You will see below that i had to add a couple of hundred quid to the account to bring it up to the 10k starting total - at least from that you can tell it's not a demo account.

Like any trade you ever take - the hardest part of the trade is right at the beginning and im sure that month one will be like that. The account is to be played with a leverage of 10:1 with a twist - the twist is the bit that might be a little scary to begin with so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I have no problems in playing the system - ive traded it for the last four months live and im 100% confident in it - the new compounding though has not been tried before except backtesting it.

The backtest looked good but then it was only 6 months of a test rather than the usual 3 years i like to do. All backtests that i do are checked by hand. Also interesting to note that the length of this 2 year experiment is almost as long as the backtest performed on the system itself!

The updates will not be that regular but i guess i might have some comments to make as we go through the first month. If you dont want to read them then just check out the last day of the month when the account status will be revealed.

With that i hope you wish me well as we enter what is traditionally the best trending months of the year. By now most of the muppets have gone broke and are back to demo and the real traders start to build their winter nest egg.

Good luck for October 2005, and rool on October 07 and my million quid :)


Soultrader said...

thank you :)

Soultrader said...

Ho ostrade,

yes, we are already thinking of this - were going to set up a 'slush account' each when we get into a decent profit and what we will prob do is just leave enough margin in the account to cover a potential two weeks maximum loss at the level of pip stake.

ill also make the slush fund intrest bearable so that we make money on that too.

when this starts ill publish screenshots of the trading account and the slush fund as well just to keep track.

this should be really good as the broker we use has an IMR of only 60 for cable so we should be able to keep the actual money in the account reasonably low (comparatively speaking to the stake)

thanks for the suggestion

spahiu said...

looking forward to what u'll have to say after the first month...

Soultrader said...

full report coming up tonight or tomorrow mate :)