Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry Christmas ... Not

Bit of a double edged sword on this post.

Firstly to report results which are rather shitty, and second to suspend / close the blog, possibly forever. Reasons to follow.

First of all lets talk turkey about the results.

The month was terrible - in fact the worst that we have experienced in the 14 months trading it, however not the worst on record from our tests.

We suffered this month a 48% drawdown. we suffered this drawdown at a point when i was supposed to be enjoying a holiday in New York - it was 30% when I left the UK and 45% when i got back. needless to say due to things beyond my control, much of my holiday was totally spoilt.

The month of December ended up at -45% on the account - from £100,502 down to £55,000 The system still works and is within parameters but the money management, which at the end of the day is the bit that creates the severity of drawdown, was at fault and has since been rectified.

We were running the account at 100% efficiency - which meant that at a max drawdown there would just be enough in the account to sustain it. what i didnt take into account was the psychological pressure of actually getting close to reaching this level and seeing the account decimated.

Even after five years of trading the market can still humble you, and this drawdown certainly has. so if you are reading this and you're a trader - dont ever think you have this thing licked until you are sat in your superyacht with the obligatory Russian hooker eating a mouthful of pork sausage.

Its also uncovered some other rather unsavory elements of life that i wont discuss on here, those reading this know what i'm referring to and i dont know wether to apologise profusely or call the lawyers - one of those morals Vs money type events. Today i reckon the lawyers, yesterday i thought forgive and forget - you know the kind of pickle i mean? One thing is for sure it won't go away by pretending it doesn't exist so fun fun fun the first week in Jan one way or the other. The ball is in someone elses court at the moment so we will see which way it lands by the 5th Jan.

Back to trading metaphors now ... The new Rocky film has a great scene where balboa is telling his son what makes a winner. Something along the lines of "it aint how hard you can hit - it's how hard a hit you can take and still remain moving forward" - well, never a truer word was spoken.

Ive took a large 'hit' on my account and i've rode the punch. I'm bouncing back and still moving forward. I ain't saying that i'm a Balboa but i'm sure as hell not through yet.

So, to this point i hope that youve enjoyed the journey and it's with sadness that I am to close this blog.

Grail goes on and will I am sure go from strength to strength with the lessons we have learned.

However I am bringing this blog to an end. It may be temporary or it may end up being permanent. The chances are that i will update the blog at sometime in the future just to let you know that it's still ploughing on, however it will not be regular and may never happen so just check back every 3 months or so.

There are a few reasons for my decision, some of which I cannot talk about at the moment, however the main one is that because of the blog I am getting emotionally involved when the system has a losing month. The fact that it's in a drawdown at the end of a month shouldnt matter because it peaks and troughs no matter what the date is - the fact it's at the end of the month is immaterial.

Getting emotionally involved in the trading of a mechanical system is not good - you start to analyse every facet of the trades and it can drive you nuts - it almost did in New York and I can't have that.

It is more important to me to make the project a reality and produce the money for my and my teams future than it is to tell you about it and massage my ego. So i'm afraid the blog has to go. It's been fun and all that and thank's for the massage (Rub & Tug??).

The soultrader diary blog will continue with various bits and bobs - might even post up some pictures from New York soon.

For now, please everyone enjoy the rest of the holiday break and here's to a prosperous 2007 :) Thanks for reading.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Month 14 - November 2006

Well, here we are - cooking with gas now!

This month the account truly met the half way stage. We have managed to turn £10,000 into £100,000 - that is a 1000% increase since inception. some going eh? - step two is to take the 100k and get to 1000k - again 1000% - now are you doubters starting to believe?

Of course this is still a gamble, as the forex market always is - all could come crashing down in a matter of days - scary eh, this is what underpants invented for!

This month was nothing special, in fact with the action in the markets I expected a lot more than we did make. Still, we keep making new highs on the account so we are in an uptrend still :)

There have been two major changes in the strategy this month. The first is a fundamental system change should net around another 30% of pips over the year and the second was a money management change to ensure we stay on track to target or even exceed it.

At the moment we are still behind the original targets but are on track for an xmas 2007 Million :) come on Santa!!

It was rather scary actually, the reason for the fundamnental change was that whilst we were doing some routine testing we came upon an anomaly - this anomaly when we looked deeper turned out to be very scary. - we have been very lucky with how weve done grail - the thing we discovered would have blown the account up any day. we were so convinced by what we saw that we made the change immediately.

Still, that's what's good about our team, always testing everything!

Ok, onto the month results for November.

All figures include the £20,000 in the holding account (see previous posts for details)

  • Opening balance:.............................£88,328
  • Closing Balance: ..............................£ 100,502

  • P/L £ .................................................£12174

  • % Gain ................................................13.78%

  • Lowest account value: ......... ....... ....£ 67,960

  • Highest account value: ....................£100,502

  • Maximum Drawdown: .....................£20,368 = 23.05% peak to valley

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Month Thirteen October 2006

Okee Dokee then - Month 13, or is it year two month One? - whatever!

October was pretty dull for the first half still crawling back from the last Drawdown but that certainly changed during the second half.

Looks like the market started to expand and there is nothing Grail likes better.

I know it was a tough month for many. I know for a fact a lot of traders lost a lot of money. I was talking to a collegue and imagined most traders running around like headless chickens - changing systems, changing entry parameters etc etc.

We just sat there patiently waiting. We had made no money for almost 3 months but we got to a point where we werent losing any either - just went up a bit then down a bit. We didnt change anything and just waited - in markets like that the grail trader is best positioned for the strike.

The strike came in the last 2 weeks of October and for the month we have had a stunning result as you will see below.

You will also notice that the account is another £10,000 short of it's actual size. Thats because of the income account - for those of you who can't be arsed to look back in the blog allow me to explain.

Each of the grail crew operate two accounts - the main grail account (you see my own every month on here) and a second account which we refer to as the income account.

The income account uses a similar strategy as the main account with the exception that it has a different money management approach and different criteria for entry designed to maximise a monthly return of pips.

Now you may be thinking - isnt that what the main one does too? - well no it isnt actually, on the main account pips are important of course but the money management we use actually means that pips arent nearly as important as win/loss percentage.

Believe it or not we often have times when we are negative pips for the month but positive in cash. Work that one out on a dark night :)

Anyway, i'm digressing. The idea is that every time £10,000 is safe from drawdown that we then move £10k into the income account and trade it - in effect we are again compounding the compounded winnings.

So, to cut a long story short every £40K we move £10k into the Income or 'Holding' account. This month we hit £80k and so another £10k found its way transferred. The holding account now has £20k in it from grail along with it's initial 10k.

This is complicating isnt it but all you have to know is that what shows on the statements after this month is 20k down from what it actually has made :) - you'll see where i withdrew on the statement.

So, down to the monthly report then.

Month 13 October 2006

All figures include £20,000 in holding account not shown on statements

  • Opening balance:.............................£61,785
  • Closing Balance: ..............................£ 88,328

  • P/L £ .................................................£26,543

  • % Gain ................................................42.96%

  • Lowest account value: ......... ....... ....£ 55,624

  • Highest account value: ....................£88,328

  • Maximum Drawdown: .....................£6,160 = 9.9% peak to valley

Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Birthday To Yoooooo! MONTH 12

Well, we made it.

Grail is one year old this weekend as is the blog.

This weeks report therefore is a special one as it will show the entire annual result.

Before you go below and read that report though I want to cover some of the highs and the lows of the year I have just lived through.

Here's an interesting question though - how many of you reading this were trading forex last year and are still trading forex now? - chances are it's not many and i'd love you to make some comments this month - Happy birthday messages are welcome too :)

I guess it's pretty amazing that the project lasted a full 12 months. But i do have to tell you that although the system is just about the same as it was 12 months ago, it has undergone some changes throughout that time.

Highs and lows of the year:

1) The 'New Car' scenario (High)

During the year the Grail team needed a way to measure how successful we were being on a daily basis. We opted for the "how much of a car have we won today" - it started off with a full set of tyres on a day that we cleared say £400.

The first high was when we won the equiv of a Kia Picanto in one day - around £4500.

The real high on this came when in a single day we made more than our initial £10,000 stake.

The last time I broke the record it was £17,460 - the equivalent of a reasonable BMW

2) The stop change day (High)

One day after some significant testing and research we decided to change our initial stop limit. we actually made our initial stop larger. two days later as we watched our trade go against us - it went past our old stop .... went within 2 pips of our new stop ... turned around and ended the day on a 100+ pip winner.

3. the 0.1 pip stopout (Low)

One day the market quotes on the different brokers was a fair way out of kilter. One of our team was stopped out in one direction by 0.1 of a pip for a hefty loss whilst everyone else closed eod for a winner.

as for 1 pip stopouts there have been lots and always will be, but we think that 0.1 is talking the piss.

Another one pip stopout was when one of our team was testing on a real account the system without a stop at all - we were all stopped out for 1 pip whilst the tester went on to close at +240 pips. GRRRR still sore about that one!

4. Lying Bastard Brokers.

I cannot reveal this as yet as I and others still have accounts with them - but watch out next year for the full story.

5. Retiring from 'active daytrading'

when i gave up chasing the price in May / June time it was a high.

Neither you, I or anyone can predict which way the market will go in the next 10 seconds never mind the next 10 minutes - so if you are still doing that then my advice is give it up and find another way.

6. Trading OPM

I never ever wanted to trade Other Peoples money - I had enough on trading my own. I was asked time and time again to trade OPM and i turned it down time and time again.

My long time trading buddy from NYC has badgered me for years to trade OPM and finally i said yes.

Because i said yes and had to work out a way so i could do it and still have a life, nip out to the shops etc I discovered the marvelous world of automated trading. - for those who are searching for an automated strategy i can tell you that it is possible - very very few have managed to make money trading a robot and i'm happy to be one of them.

Most people who want a trading robot look the wrong way around - they look at robot traders that make money - change your focus - find a system that makes money and then make a robot out of it.

A special thanks goes out to Trevor Beatty here for teaching this old dog some new tricks and putting up with my tireless whinging about why a robot trader doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Thanks for the last 12 months Trevor.

7. Laughing My Tits Off (High)

The final high for me this year comes every time i listen to so called tradin guru's who say that if you can make 20-30% a year that you are doing well - well the results below for a whole year prove that this perception is TOTAL BOLLOCKS.

Im sorry Paris, Zen, and all those others who say that you cant do it - but you can and it matters not how much money you do it with - millions in the market are just a drop.

Anyway, onto the results and analasys then.

To simplify things with the holding account I now just list the system gains and tell you whats in the holding account - the statements will show X number of pounds less where X is the amount of cash in the holding account.

This month was a bit of a shitter again - didnt lose money but didn't make a new account high the effects of this will hbe shown below the account pics in the annual review.

Don't you think that September was a little weird? - not like any september i've seen for a long time. I wonder if the market is going through yet another change. August is always crap because of holidays etc but september is usually a serious trading month. Just makes you think is all.

8. Working with the best forex team in the world! (Very High)

Mike Keres - UK, the best analytical guy i've ever met and my number one partner in grail development. Thanks for the last few years Mike, the superyacht gets closer every day.

Angie - France without whom we may never have stumbled across grail's potential and without whom we wouldnt have any sex appeal in the group. Thanks Angie XX

Trev - UK our Programming guru - the only bloke ive ever heard that managed to get metatrader to trade on oanda, cmc or any platform you can name - genius even though he's a southern git.

Keith - New York - Our USA branch of the grail lunatics - chart guru, fund raiser and out and out party hound! - spends time with the famous people of NYC at night and we aspiring multi millionaires during the trading day. I've traded with keith ever since i found forex. Thanks for the last four years Keith

Whispy - UK - A Guy who had never traded before and bought the Hilda system off me. Mike is a system hound, always on the lookout for new ideas for an old problem - how to make the market work for you. Out of anyone Mike has progressed more in the last 12 months and at a greater speed than most i've ever met. Keep it up mike - and i'm not talking about the x-ray camcorder ya perv!

Mike - Australia - No trading team would be complete without an Australian arm and someone with age and control on his side. The consistent steady player of the group and another ideas man Fluty manages to inject some decorum into our mad world. A fully qualified trading teacher too! Thanks Mike.


Month 12 September 2006

  • Cash in holding account: .................£10,000

  • Opening balance:.............................£52,077
  • Closing Balance: ..............................£ 61,785

  • % Gain ................................................18.64%

  • £ Gain .............................................£9708

  • Lowest account value: ......... ....... ....£ 47,649

  • Highest account value: ....................£65,684

  • Maximum Drawdown: .....................£6,160 = 9.3% peak to valley

Annual Grail Report 1/10/2005 - 30/9/2006

  • Opening Balance.................................£10,000

  • Closing Balance...................................£ 61,786

  • Lowest account value...........................£ 8,630

  • Highest A/C Value................................£77,262

  • ROI - High Point...................................672%

  • ROI End of year ...................................517%

  • Maximum Drawdown...........................£29,613

  • Max Drawdown % ................................38.3% Peak To Valley

  • Biggest Win Day (1 A/C only) ...................£12,180

  • Biggest Loss Day (1 A/C only) ..................£-6314

  • Max Consecutive Wins ...........................5

  • Max Consecutive Losses ........................5

  • Number Wins ........................................147 (Includes 0 days)

  • Number Losses .....................................111

  • Win / Loss % .........................................57%

  • Total Pips .............................................1720

  • Average Pips Per Trade ........................7

  • Biggest Win (Pips) ...............................180

  • Highest Monthly Gain ..........................46.7%

  • Average Monthly Gain .........................18%

  • Earnings (from Holding Fund) .......................£6,500

So, there you have it.

I included the earning from the holding fund which is really great seeing as it's only been in there 3 months. In reality though that is only half the picture as I added a further 10k to the holding fund which is my income account - pays the bills etc. so from £20k I have so far since January withdrawn £30,000 in wages :) better that being in the rat race that's for sure.

So, the question is, did the year go to plan?

Well, yes and no. In August when we topped 77k we were near enough spot on target. Probably about 1 week behind. However the recent monster drawdown and losing month has put us back somewhat.

I wont really be able to say wether 2006 was better than 2005 till the end of the year. 2005 did 738% from Jan to Dec wheras 2004 did 1650% - 2006 has yet to show it's colours, but if anything I'm expecting it to pick up to round the year off.

I'm now estimating that we will hit the million around the end of December next year - rather a nice Christmas Present don't you think? - this is still a stretch target based on the performance - to do that needs an average of 20% per month and as you can see we have managed 18% this last 12 months.

I believe that if you also add in the holding accounts profits the we will hit the million before this time - each time the main account hits a multiple of 40k I take 10k out of that account and trade it seperately in the holding account. The aim is to get the holding account up to £100 per pip which will result in £20,000 per month on average in income. That will be nice :)

as a result of that the timer on the page has been reset to end at midnight Xmas Eve 2007 and the project is extended until then - of course we now have a chance of hitting the target early if fortune smiles on us.

Plans for the next 12 months go like this

1. New Grail Timetable

Dec 31st 2006: £120,000
March 31st 2007: £209,000
June 31st 2007: £361,000
Sept 31st 2007: £625000
Dec 25th 2007: £1,000000

2. Managed Account balance up to 10 million

3. New fallback system (been working on this for 6 months already!)

4. New system for managed funds based on Multiple intraday trades but still Mechanical

And That's it.

I hope you wish me well and maybe take some inspiration from my first year results. Its been quite an emotional time - scary, elation, highs and lows but myself and my collegues have made it.

Please feel free to leave comments on this thread, and till next time, Take care :)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Month 11 August 2006

Ok Month 11 August 2006

Its been a poor month and is the second losing month since inception. Not a massive losing month but annoying that it came just as we got back onto target. for the 24 months

This month has prompted me to look at the way we trade the system and next month i may be making another change as to how I trade it - basically i may be trading less but making more.

Anyway, by the 10th August we were into a new high on the account of 77k which put us within a whisker of bieng back on track and then we entered this drawdown period. we are currently at a drawdown of 33%.

Ive actually got to a point where i look forward to drawdowns as I know that the lift out of them will be swift. I also know that the deeper the drawdown the more agressive the lift out of it.

Anyway, next month is a big one for the report as it will mark the first anniversary of the account and will hgerald our first annual report for Grail.

If there are any changes in schedule to be made it will be next month so until then, ill leave you with the monthly report.

  • Opening balance:£50,556
  • Closing Balance: £ 42,078
  • Cash in holding account: £10,000

  • Account Valuation total Last Month £60,556
  • Account Valuation total £52,078

  • P/L: -£8478

  • % Gain on account: -14.00%

  • Lowest account value: £ 51,590

  • Highest account value: £77,762

  • Maximum Drawdown: £26,172 = 33.6% peak to valley (ouch!)

Monday, July 31, 2006

Month 10 July 2006

Gosh, doesnt time fly!- month 10 already.

Mind you, i wish it were month 24!! but i guess you shouldnt wish your life away.

You will most likely find it hard to follow the account this month from the screenshots because I have moved the account from Capital Spreads to my new broker. what i actually did was move the difference between the investment account (the big one) and the income account (the smaller one) so in effect the accounts have changed hands over the brokers.

so you'll find the screenshots are a little weird and you may not be able to track the changes as i took £4500 ish wages at the same time.

Anyway, the month was a good one all the way through really. didnt break any records at all but was kind of 'steady eddie' through the month.

The peak of the account came on the 28th with 2 days to the end of the month and then a couple of wanky days kinda took the shine off it.

Still, just about to plan i think with a high watermark of 65k (combined with holding acc)

I bet there are plenty who are beginning to say to themselves hmmm - those who think its not possible to produce 20% a month on average - well, keep reading cos I've done it for 10 months now.

Anyway, heres the report for Month 10

Monthly Report - July 2005

  • Opening balance:£38,411
  • Closing Balance: £ 50,556
  • Cash in holding account: £10,000
  • Account Valuation total £60,556

  • P/L: £12,090

  • % Gain on account: 24.96%

  • Lowest account value: £ 33,255

  • Highest account value: £50,080

  • Maximum Drawdown: £5,156 = 10.6% peak to valley
Screenshots of both accounts are below to show the transfer from one to the other - note that the new account shows the earlier dates at the bottom and the latest dates at the top. - this is opposite to the previous broker i was using.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Month 9 - Third qtr results June 2006

Here we are then, 9 month and the third quarter.

June did not set any fires burning apart from a new record on days earnings . on 2nd June I made almost £14k in one day. This record does tend to get broken every month or two so i'll keep you updated next month if it breaks again.

Anyway, onto the month. A month of very volatile moves followed by almost no moves at all. The early part of the month were nice trading territory and then we slipped into a period of consolidation which meant tight ranges and a series of loss days.

As usual though the end of the month contract expiries brought us some movement and pulled us back.

The drawdown this month was the worst since inception running at 35.8% but we are now getting used to this.

Some more changes were made to the system this month with the introduction of some dynamic variants. Unfortunately this did little due to market conditions. but it's interesting to look back at the q1 and 2 results and note that by month 6 we had done 127% and q3 alone has managed 116%. several changes in the system took place in this period and obviously they have paid off.

I havent included a report showing the figures since inception but FYI we are at +383%.

The next big report is the yearly one at which time we may adjust the timetable for the million. we are thinking it couldnow be a few months late - maybe Xmas 2007 rather than October giving the account an extra quarter. - time will tell. I guess if we took into account the income account gains then we will hit the million on time, however we are not including this

Unfortunately we are still behind target considerably - the end of the month has happened at a time when we are in a drawdown. Our target for qtr3 was an account high of 58k yet we have reached only 51k so still really about 3 weeks behind schedule.

This months return does not help either being well below par

The report for the month is below as usual along with a quarterley report. note that due to system changes more has been blacked out on the screenshot but I have left the centre visible so you can see no money was added.

Quarterley Report March 31 - June 31

  • Opening balance:£22,510
  • Closing Balance: £ 38,411
  • +Cash in holding account £10,000
  • P/L: £25,901

  • % Gain on account: 116%

  • Lowest account value: £ 22,510

  • Highest account value: £51,069 (inc holding account)

  • Maximum Drawdown: £18,282 = 35.8%

Monthly Report - June 2005

  • Opening balance:£34,461
  • Closing Balance: £ 38,411
  • Cash in holding account: £10,000
  • Account Valuation total £48,411

  • P/L: £3,950

  • % Gain on account: 8.88%

  • Lowest account value: £ 22,787

  • Highest account value: £41,069

  • Maximum Drawdown: £18,282 = 35.8% peak to valley

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Month 8 May 2006

May has been a fine month - but before i start on that i want to remind you of a story you once read as a child.

coloring page
"Nah nah nah boo boo, I'm faster than you!“ shouted Harriet Hare as she sped down the road.

Normally, Timothy Tortoise was a very easy going reptile. He was happy roaming through the forest at his own pace. But the nasty taunts of Harriet Hare were starting to make him angry.

Later that day Timothy finally arrived (last as usual) at the playground by the river. Sure enough, as soon as he arrived, Harriet started teasing him again.

“A heavy green shell and short little feet, you’re the slowest guy I ever did meet!”, Harriet taunted.

Timothy slowly turned his head to look Harriet straight in the eye, “I am too slow or so you say. To find the truth, let’s race today!”

All the animals in the playground gasped. A race? Between Harriet Hare, the fastest runner and Timothy Turtle the last to show up? What an odd thing that would be to watch.

“I’ll set up a course for you to race on”, offered Freddy the Fox.

Harriet Hare laughed out loud, “A race you want? A race you’ll see. I know I’m faster than Timothy!”

And so Freddy the Fox set up a race course all the way from the playground by the river to the big oak tree at the edge of the forest. All of the animals met at the starting line early in the afternoon.

“On your mark…” shouted Freddy.

“Just a minute Freddy,” giggled Beatrice the Bear, “um, Timothy hasn’t quite made it to the starting line yet.”

“I’m fine,” smiled Timothy, “I always make it to where I’m headed.”

“Get set… Go!” chanted the animals all together.

Harriet Hare was off like a shot. She made it around the corner by the meadow before Timothy even had all of his feet across the starting line.

Freddy the Fox groaned and shook his head. He'd been hoping his friend Timothy would somehow manage to beat Harriet -- she was always such a show off. "Oh well, let's head over to the finish line everyone. If we cut across the meadow maybe we'll manage to get there in time to watch Harriet cross the finish line." Off the animals went, leaving Timothy to slowly make his way down the path Freddy had set as the race course.

Meanwhile, Harriet had run so fast that she could actually see the finish line already. She had to sit down, she was laughing so hard, "I can't believe the nerve of him, to think that he might actually win!"

Harriet gazed over to the finish line and realized that none of the spectators were there yet. "Perhaps I'll rest underneath this tree, so when I win the crowds will see. After all that turtle's slow, he'll take all day to catch up I know."

Harriet lay down and promptly fell asleep.

Timothy made his way down the path along the river, across the meadow and right past the snoozing Harriet. He didn't stop and rest anywhere along the race track.

As Timothy approached the finish line all of the animals began to cheer. Harriet awoke from her nap and ran as fast as she could, but she was too late. Timothy picked his last foot up across the line an instant before she made it there.

Harriet pulled her ears and stomped her feet, "No fair, no fair, no fair, I say! I am the fastest any day."

Timothy smiled and nodded slowly, "It's true I have a slower pace, but

slow but steady wins the race!"

Ok, indulge me :) you will see from this months results weve done quite well, the figures you wont see yet are that so far from inception the account has grown 342% and at one point this month it was over 400%!

Now there are traders out there scratching their head and panicking all day trying to squeeze every pip they can out of the market - they won't give up and have sleepless nights whilst the hare in their head says "keep going!!" they burn themselves out and never actually get anywhere apart from in a big hole.

Now this is the bit that may suprise you. I am a tortoise.

This bit will really suprise you ......

The results that you are seeing with this account - and you have to admit they are pretty good arent they!, the results you see are the result of ...........

yep, believe it or not .........

they are the result of just 9 pips a day

Think about that for a moment

Just an average of 9 pips a day is going to make me super rich. The hare's of this world will be laughing at this - they are soo fast and soo good that they think 20 -40 pips a day is easily attainable. They are soo clever that they will piss all over my 9 pips a day.

Well, ask yourself why they arent millionaires then?

so endeth the lesson :)

Onto this months results and action.

May was a stupendous month, remember last month when i said that if we hit 40k then stage 2 of the plan comes into action? - well we didn't just hit 40k we hit 50k! - at one point our accounts were up over 65% ON THE MONTH!

So technically the reason for this sudden volatility during April and may was that gbp broke out of a range that it had been in for over six months - that was bound to produce fireworks - good news for us but i'm sure a lot of people got burned.

I guess that you are wondering what this stage 2 is all about. At all times we know that 25% of the account is safe money. when we hit 40k we knew that 10k of the account (our initial stake) was safe and i dont like safe money sitting there doing nothing.

so, 10k was taken out of the account and placed into a new account - the 'income account'.

We have been running the income account since january this year and the idea is that whilst grail is going to build and build to a big pot, in the meantime we need an income to live off. so was born the income account.

The income account trades grail in exactly the same way as the main account with the exception that it is played without compounding at a constant leverage.

The basic idea is that for each £5 per pip you trade makes you £1000 per month. We play the income account at high leverage. we started off with 10k of our own money and at £20 a pip - so a 4k take every month.

Our testing showed that once a year at this level we would have to put money in as the drawdowns would bust the account but we took the risk that we would get good money out before this happened - we were right and to date we have taken out 20k from a 10k account.

Anyway, when the 10k from the grail account became free we decided to add it to our income account and reduce the leverage to a safe level where the account will not bust.

so you will see from the account screenshots below that there has been 10k taken out to make yet more money. so dont forget that in the future when you see the account. There is now 20k in the income account which is played at 15:1 (£30 a pip) and gives us £6k per month on average.

The figures from the income account will be tagged onto the end of the grail account on a quarterley basis but they do not form part of the million pound target.

So, how was the month emotionally? to be honest from sweet inspiration to desperate despair.

this month the staking plan meant that our stake increased substantially and to be honest we didnt have time to get used to it. it took us 6 months to increase our stakes threefold and then suddenly within 3 weeks it had increased a further twofold.

during the first six months the growth was slow and steady - each increase in the stake was easily assimulated and by the next increase we were well used to the previous one.

This month our stakes increased in large jumps and our minds did not have time to get used to the jump - what previously felt like a safe stake suddenly seemed very high and of course like all traders we started to sweat the action and have 'scared money'

particularly when you add in the stake from the income account - at one point we were the equivalent of 16 full dollar lots in the market and at the beginning of the month this was just 9 - the jump was rather fast eh?

when we did eventually get into a drawdown which was bound to happen, after 4 days i was really starting to sweat and as day five started into negative territory i was looking for the gas oven to stick my head in. - instead i just took a look at the account and noted that even if it had failed that day (which thankfully it didnt) the account would still have been 20% up on the month. that settled the fears and the day actually finished up, as did the next. phew!

You may remember last month we were talking about Capital Spreads, well our curiosity got the better ois us and we thought we should do some due dilligence on the company that we were going to take 1 million from.

We paid for a Dunn & Bradstreet report on the company London Capital Group Ltd.

The report said that the company was very safe and had little chance of failing - however on reading the P&L for the company we took a decision that it just is not big enough for us to trust our hard earned to as next year our projections show that we will take more from them than they have earned in the last 3 years.

This, on top of conversations i've had with the MD has caused us to look elsewhere for a place to put our money.

This is a shame really - Cap spreads platform lends itself easily to our system, they are mostly fair with entries and as a whole I like doing business with them, but other things also came into our thought like this ...

During one conversation we had with them it became apparent that once we reach £300 per pip it could cause them problems with execution - now bear in mind that there are three of us playing this system with them and with 2 accounts each and you start to see what i mean. - combined at the end of the month we were at £267 per pip and by this time next year we will each be at around £400 per pip.

Capital spreads is a great company but i don't think they are big enough to handle 3 players at that sort of level.

One thing that does bug me is that before we even went on cap spreads you may remember at the start of this blog that i spoke to them about the levels we would be playing and was told we were fine to go ahead. obviously the guy we spoke to thought that we were yet another bunch of suckers who were going to lose.

I dont blame him for thinking that because most are, but it does bug me that i was open and straight with the guy about how much we would be staking and everything was rosy unti we actually start to reach that level.

Anyway, here's what we have decided to do.

Having done some more due dilligence, in april I decided to fund my A.Nother broker account and see how the platform handles our system. Its a bit more work but handled it ok.

It handled April and May ok so at the end of april we emptied our income account on cap spreads funded A.Nother broker to see how it handles £30 a pip.

So far so good but we are going to play it for a good month first before we think of transferring over the main account.

Its important to say that we are not ditching cap spreads totally. the main account is still over there but what we will do is switch the main account over to income and the income account at A.Nother into the main account - so dont be suprised if there is some messing around with the screenshots in the coming months.

We will keep the income account at cap spreads basically until they tell us to sod off, which I dont think they will on that level.

anyway, time for the figures then, have fun, back next month.

  • Opening balance:£30,397
  • Closing Balance: £34,491

  • Holding Account £10,000

  • Real Closing Balance £44,491

  • P/L: £14,094

  • % Gain on account: 46.4%

  • Lowest account value: £ 30397

  • Highest account value: £50,242

  • Maximum Drawdown: £13,568 = 27%% peak to valley

Friday, April 28, 2006

Month 7 April 2006

Hiya all,

Month seven then and 25% of the way to our goal.

Might seem a bit strange to you that we are still aiming for the million and only 17 months to go - hell, i would be dubious too but think of it this way - our moneymanagement means that we literally double our stake every 4 months on average.

That means that 10k becomes 20 in 4 months which we managed in 5 months (bit behind)

Step 2 ios 20k to 40k, then 40 to 80 etc etc - see what i mean.

At the moment progress is painfully slow - year two is the big mover when we are 100k+ in the account.

So, anyway, Month 7 has been a strange one - very early in the month we were 30% up on the month which then slipped back down to zero gain and in two days weve rushed up again as you will see below with the monthly report.

Some might say "why not quit for the month once youve made your target" - good question but our backtests show that some months will do as much as 52% and as there is no way to predict what will be a good month or a bad month then we just play on.

It may also interest you to know that I have almost now become a full time Grail trader. Ive almost given up scalping and daytrading for good. I have a second account which trades grail and every time the account reaches a specific limit I take money out to live on. It makes me around £4000 a month which is enough to pay the bills etc whilst the main account grows untouched.

Why am I going this way? well believe me after four years+ of day trading you grow very tired of it. Grail is a simple mechanical system with no thought processes going into the trades whatsoever. some days it wins and some it loses but overall it makes money.

Day trading to me is like chinese water torture. No matter how hard you study and work you can never be like 95% right, best you can manage in my opinion is around 80% and that's when you are on top of your game - and to me it isnt worth the extra work and heartache to carry on when i have a system that needs no mental anguish at all. - why bother chasing chickens when you have a goose which lays golden eggs?

Next month it may be time to reveal the 'extra' strategy which will come into play when the account reaches 40k. Thats if we get there by then :)

Anyway, time for the figures then.

  • Opening balance:£22510
  • Closing Balance: £30,397

  • P/L: £7,887

  • % Gain on account: 35.13%

  • Lowest account value: £ 22,403

  • Highest account value: £30,397

  • Maximum Drawdown: £7184 = 24.2%% peak to valley

Friday, March 31, 2006

Month Six - March 2006

Ok, month six then

although we have made gains this month they are again below par and we have not reached the 6 month target of £32k, in fact we are 10k down.

The month has been very uneventful with trades just wiggling around - no biggies but also no big losses. - just the way the market has been.

Still, we are at a good percentage of return for the 6 months but im really hoping to get a better next six months.

monthly report and 6 month report below

Monthly Report:

  • Opening balance:£20108
  • Closing Balance: £22,510

  • P/L: £2402

  • % Gain on account: 11.95%

  • Lowest account value: £ 16,531

  • Highest account value: £22,648

  • Maximum Drawdown: £3,577 = 17.7% peak to valley
6 Months Report

  • Opening balance:£10,000
  • Closing Balance: £22,510

  • P/L: £12,510

  • % Gain on account: 124.10%

  • Lowest account value: £ 8640

  • Highest account value: £22,648

  • Maximum Drawdown: £6,458 = 34.5%% peak to valley

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Month 5 - February 2005

So, here we are.

Into month five and sort of back on schedule (well almost!)

This month had a lot of catching up to do after last months loss, so its probably going to put us behind a month, here's hoping that we manage to catch up with it

Over the past week or so ive done some analysis on 2005 and as a whole it preformed a little under par. £10,000 invested on 1st january would have grown to £74000 which is 740% give or take a bit. This may sound a lot but at high leverage its not the performance we expected. To reach our million we need to produce an average of 22% per month growth. This equates to around 1000% per annum that we need.

well, if it takes a little longer to get the mil than we thought then what the heck, but at this moment in time the target still stands.

Ok, February then.

This month we did not have a single maximum stop out. I guess thats making up for last month when we had a boatload of them.

Performance has been very good although it has not felt that way with so much ground to gain on January - Effectively we needed a large percentage win this month to get back on track and it did feel that we were merely treading water for the month.

We have had a good gain, but a dropped month takes some getting over. hopefully this will even in during the next few months.

The good news is that the account has now doubled in size - eat that jupiter fund with your piddling 30% pa

anyway, heres the results for the month, next month comes the quarterley report and the six month report on top of the usual monthly one.

Have a great March :)

  • Opening balance:£13,940
  • Closing Balance: £20,108

  • P/L: £6168

  • % Gain on account: 44.2%

  • Lowest account value: £ 13,420

  • Highest account value: £20,108

  • Maximum Drawdown: £1,608 = 9.1% peak to valley

Monday, January 30, 2006

Month 4 - January 2006

Hi all, thanks for dropping by on the million pound experiment.

If you dont know what this is all about then please read the very first post from this blog - should be either at the bottom of this page or from the links at the side.

January 2006.

Well, January has been heartbreaking to say the least - A good start to the month put us onto a new high of the equity curve to over £18k and since then we have been in drawdown.

The drawdown is worse the last one we had in November and again this is the part that is heartbreaking.

Let me tell you the reason for grail. Grail is 100% mechanical that requires no user input throughout the trading day.

To me this is trading nirvana. After more that four years as a trader you get to a point where it bores the pants off you hour after hour and you start to look for something that can take away this tedious existence in front of 5 screens all day. To me that is what grail is.

Grail is not, (nor was it designed to be) a 100% winning trading strategy. To me the holy grail of trading is a system you dont have to think about or have decisions to make as to when to close or enter etc.

The trouble is, as many of you will know, that the first ten minutes of any trade is the hardest to keep your cool, that is where we are at in grail. the first six months is like the first ten minutes of a daytrade.

as a trader you will know that once in the money with a good stop in place covering some profits its a breeze to hold a position. well in the case of grail - the first 100% is the hardest and once the initial capital of 10k has doubled to 20k in safe position (ie 28k as 28K minus max expected drawdown of 40% = 20k) we cannot feel safe.

This month we saw £18k drawdown to almost12k - a drop of £6000 doesnt feel right unless you are playing with a six figure account, which we aren't. guess ill just have to get used to that.

It is also our first losing month on the system for a year, last February being the last one.

We are of course going to continue, if the last 4 months has told us anything it is that grail has this amazing ability to bounce back from the doldrums and suprise us in just a few days.

Im hoping that next month's report will be much better that the one which follows.

Till then, happy trading.

Monthly Report - January 2006.

  • Opening balance:£17,088
  • Closing Balance: £ 13,940

  • P/L: -£3,148

  • % Gain on account: -18.42%

  • Lowest account value: £ 12,239

  • Highest account value: £18,697

  • Maximum Drawdown: £6,458 = 34.5%% peak to valley